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Journal of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers

ISSN: 1854-2042

Scripta Manent: Genres and Languages for Specific Purposes

Volume 6/1-2








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:: Š. Godnič Vičič

:: E. Cianflone
Academic genres in EFL medical educational contexts: the medical case-report

ABSTRACT: In genre analysis literature medical case-reports can be said to be almost underrepresented when compared to other scholarly specimens that have been thoroughly researched, like the research article, the master’s thesis or the doctoral dissertation. As a written academic variety little is known to English as a foreign language practitioners about the medical case report’s format and about its use in language for specific purposes classes. The aim of this note is to offer a preliminary description of the case-report’s main sections and to suggest some activities to be exploited in English as a foreign language classes. The hope is that these insights can call genre analysts’ attention on this medical genre to develop appropriate research that will result in new educational texts.
:: M. Marcon
Apprendre les genres du secteur wallon de l’énergie. Un regard croisé sur les professionnels et le grand public

ABSTRACT: L’apprentissage des discours de spécialité demande la maîtrise de lexiques, mais aussi la reconnaissance d’une situation de communication, à savoir les conventions textuelles d’une communauté de discours. La linguistique de corpus appliquée à l’étude des genres, a montré sa validité et sa pertinence pour l’étude du lexique et d’autres caractéristiques linguistiques et textuelles de genres différents. Cet article présente la construction du corpus spécialisé ENERWAL, consacré au secteur de l’énergie en Région wallonne et visant deux publics (professionnels vs. grand public). Nous illustrons quelques exemples concernant des caractéristiques morphologiques, syntaxiques, phraséologiques et discursives des genres d’ENERWAL. Chaque exemple présente des suggestions pratiques et des aspects critiques qui concernant ces caractéristiques ainsi que l’emploi d’un corpus spécialisé en vue d’une prise de conscience de la part des apprenants en salle de cours.
:: J. Clifton
Combining Conversation Analysis and Reflective Practice in the LSP Classroom: Putting Transcripts of Business Simulations under the Microscope

ABSTRACT: Conversation analysis (CA) has undoubtedly established its credentials as a method for studying (workplace) interaction yet, despite this observation, the insights that CA offers to LSP instructors have not been fully exploited in the classroom. This paper firstly suggests that combining CA and reflective practice can lead to a synergy that would be beneficial to teaching practice and, secondly, this paper describes how this synergy can be implemented in a classroom context for students of business communication. Findings indicate that combining CA and reflective practice can be a viable pedagogic proposition.
:: N. Lenassi
Il vicino diverso. Percorsi di educazione interculturale di lingua italiana - Bližina drugosti. Poti italijanskega jezika do medkulturne komunikacije, da Nives Zudič Antonič e Metka Malčič.
:: D. Mertelj
Terminologia professionale in italiano - Strokovna terminologija v italijanskem jeziku
Gradivo za 1. in/ali 2. letnik višješolskega programa Gostinstvo in turizem, da Maja Maričić.