Scripta Manent Journal     Journal of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers
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Scripta Manent: ICT in teaching languages for specific purposes

Volume 3/1


:: Š. Godnič Vičič

:: J. Krajka Online Lexicological Tools in ESP – Towards an Approach to Strategy Training

ABSTRACT: Together with great proliferation of online resources on the one hand and a striking lack of commercially published materials for specific ESP domains on the other, the ESP teacher needs to reflect on using Internet materials judiciously in the language classroom. An indispensable element of the teaching process in any context is effective resourcing, or the ability to find, evaluate and use reference tools of various kinds. This strategy is also necessary in the ESP context, and the range of available resources goes beyond dictionaries only and encompasses, among others, specialized dictionaries, glossaries, terminology databanks.
The purpose of the present paper is to outline the procedure of online resourcing, by giving specific steps for the training of the skill based on ESP materials of various types. The theoretical discussion of strategy training will be substantiated with the practical activities for the procedure.

:: A. Curado Fuentes
Lexical Acquisition in ESP via Corpus Tools: Two Case Studies

ABSTRACT: This paper aims to illustrate the application of a corpus-based approach in teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes) by means of two case studies: Group 1 in 2004/2005 and Group 2 the following year. The first group of university students approached lexical material by exploiting micro-skills such as identifying key repetitions, formulating semantic prosody, finding best equivalents in Spanish, etc. The second group used the same academic corpus via electronic resources. According to the overall results, the second group of students outperformed the first one in their use of lexical input and the main findings point to the observation of their improved answers regarding the production of lexis. The tests and questionnaires served as chief control instruments at the end of the courses.

:: I. Kozlova Studying Problem Solving through Group Discussion in Chat Rooms

ABSTRACT: In the present article we use a chat conversations’ corpus to study the process of resolving language problems. Our corpus includes chat conversations which took place between LSP students engaged in correcting errors in their peers’ summaries. The participants worked in groups and used the Windows Messenger program for communication within the group. Their task also included making use of electronic dictionaries and other reference materials. The conversations’ corpus obtained as a result of this exercise was analyzed holistically for possible indicators of each particular stage of the problem solving process. Later these indicators were validated throughout the entire corpus. Each problem solving process was thus represented as a chain of indicators and acceptability was determined for each error correction. The resulting problem solving chains were used to prove our hypotheses concerning internal and external support in text reproduction.

:: M. Šetinc
Militarwörterbuch Slowenisch-Deutsch (Wehrrecht und Innerer Dienst) / Vojaški slovar, Slovensko-Nemški (Vojaško pravo in Notranja služba) and
Militarwörterbuch Slowenisch-Deutsch (Infanterie) / Vojaški slovar, Slovensko-Nemški (Pehota)
A review


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